Sunday, January 27, 2008


So we went to the game and it was one of the craziest things I have ever experienced! It was packed and you have never seen fans until you have seen these. There were people who never stopped they would do laps around the stadium cheering and blowing their horns for 3 hours! It was incredible. But the thing is they buy noise makers like horns and stuff and they do not stop blowing on them for the entire match, seriously. It would be right in your ear--it was louder than any concert I have ever been to. But it was tons of fun and we won!

Alright, so Friday Sheryl and I headed to Kumasi--we knew the bus ride would take awhile but little did we know the adventure that was ahead of us! We got to the bus station, with bags in hand (two large ones each) and tickets for the 10:00AM bus. We were able to board the bus around 2 PM, it was running on Ghanaian time. . . We then proceeded to spread out because it was not completely full, but we did not know that there was another stop. So the bus picked up a bunch more people until it was full, and a very nice lady with a 10 month old baby came to sit next to me. Which was very nice until I realized the little kid was sick and he puked the entire 5 hours! Needless to say the smell was pretty bad, but I felt so sorry for the little guy!
Well, we were pretty ready to arrive in Kumasi, except for the fact that when we were about 30 KM outside of the city the bus broke down on the side of the road! So we had to get out with all of our stuff and ride in a tro tro to the city. Luckily a really nice guy called the lady who was supposed to pick us up and told her where to go. The only problem was he didn't tell us where to get off! So we road along until some lady started banging on the window at one of the stops telling us to get off. We then loaded all of our luggage into her Toyota Corolla, including the three of us and her 8 month son--in his car seat. We were going along fine until Sheryl looked at the baby and scared him to death because he had never seen a white lady before. So he scrame and Paulina told us to give him to her and we proceeded to drive to the house with him asleep in her arms. . .
Then we got to the place we were supposed to be staying and realized that the guy who was getting our accommodations didn't understand the rules very well and simply rented us two rooms in Paulinas house (we are supposed to have our own apartment). So there were men and women all over the place, we didn't know who they were and they could see right in our bedrooms. So the next day we got to explain to everybody that this was not a suitable arrangement and we proceeded to spend all of yesterday looking for an apartment. So right now we are in a very nice hotel looking for a more permanent place. The adventure never ends!
But we did go to a great ward today and I was so impressed with the people. I understood very little of what they were saying because they did almost everything in a mixture of Fante and Twi (the two local lanugages). But the spirit was so strong and it was such a witness to me of the faithfulness of these people. I talked to Priesthood holders who had been members for 20-25 years, as long as the church has been in Ghana. And there were so many families! It really made my heart melt as I watched how seriously they took the church. It is so impressive. I think one of the best things was hearing the Primary kids sing Book of Mormon Stories and other Primary songs. It made me realize once again how the gospel of Jesus Christ has no borders. It is a great experience here and the people are amazing. Please send out a few prayers though for us to find an apartment! The hotel is nice, but. . .
Love you all! Thanks for your posts please keep them up! They make my day!

1 comment:

Chelsea Emeline said...

I'm glad your team won! Can you believe what kind of hell that would have turned into if they hadn't? Yikes. Twi is my favorite! I used to know how to say a handfull of useless things in Twi. It was great.

We get a new roommate today! We'll see how it goes. I'm still holding strong on the settler's issue. No worries. :)

I've run into a couple snags for our Italy trip. Don't worry, they're not snags that will cancel the trip. I just have to come earlier than I was planning. That hiring fair that I would have missed is going to be a problem. The only girl who could cover for me will be on maternity leave. That also means that I get to do the Orientation the next week for her. SO... I need to be home by the 5th of May. I know that sucks for you, so I'm sorry. But I'm looking into coming to London on the 23rd/24th, and heading over to Italy on the 25th. I don't know how you feel about going around all week in Italy as a threesome though. Let me know. I could always just stay with my little family there and we could meet up and do random things? I don't know. Let me know what you think.

Love you and miss you!
